- Feels Like Home Again, collected poems by Joel Weishaus
- Nightingale's Playground, by Andy Campbell
- It's literature, Jim... but not as we know it: Publishing and the Digital Revolution"
- Not-so-Silly Millie - an appreciation of Millie Niss
- In a Dark Wood - a review of "The Path" from Tale of Tales
- Play on Meaning? - Computer Games as Art
- Lift up Your Heads, O Ye Gates - an appreciation of David Daniels
- Tributes to David Daniels by Divers Hands
- Reproof Reading - Le Reprobateur/The Reprover, by Francois Coulon
- Fragments of Ice - The Way North, by Joel Weishaus
- Twice-Told Tales - Croation Tales of Long Ago, Part Two, edited by Helena Bulaja
- The Curator's Egg - The Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1, edited by N Katherine Hayles, Nick Montfort, Scott Rettberg and Stephanie Strickland
- A touch of the Verbals - The Chicken Coup/Chopper Drop Out/Underground Station, three CDs of comedy, music and poetry from Mac Dunlop
- Saints be praised? - Broken Saints, an epic Flash-animated comic by Brooke Burgess, Andrew West and Ian Kirby
- From zine to screen - small literary magazines and the digital revolution
- Words of One Syllable - The Syllabary by Peter McCarey, reviewed by Edward Picot
- Unanswered Questions - Inanimate Alice by Kate Pullinger and Babel, and "Aftershocks" by Martha Deed, reviewed by Edward Picot
- Rogue Mail - Intimacies by Eric Brown, reviewed by Edward Picot
- Nice Work? - The World Owes You A Living by Jack Saturday, reviewed by Edward Picot
- Wrestling with Angels - Sampler by Alan Sondheim, reviewed by Edward Picot
- Payments for Web Art - should web art be free or should it be paid for?
- Picture This..., Postcards from Writing by Sally Pryor, reviewed by Edward Picot
- Hyperventiliterature, The Breathing Wall, by Kate Pullinger with Stefan Schemat and babel, reviewed by Edward Picot
- John Peel: The Man Who Span the Platters that Mattered, a tribute by Edward Picot
- Troubling Utopia, Avatara, by Donato Mancini, Jeremy Turner and Flick Harrison, reviewed by Edward Picot
- Grab Bag/Kitsch Mag, Razor Smile 1-2 and papertiger 3, reviewed by Sam Redlark
- PODs, Micropayments and Adverts, Lulu.com, BitPass and AdSense discussed by Edward Picot
- Reading Between the Lines, online comics discussed by Sam Redlark
- Geeks in Love, by Chris Hill, reviewed by Edward Picot
- Croatian Tales of Long Ago, ed. Helena Bulaja, reviewed by Edward Picot
- The New Media Reader, ed. Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Nick Montfort, reviewed by Edward Picot
- papertiger #02, ed. Paul Hardacre & Brett Dionysus, reviewed by Edward Picot